Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Differences of Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of specific disciplines to discuss the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation (synthesis or other sense) of chemical compounds that bergugus carbon and hydrogen, which can also consist of several other elements, including nitrogen, oxygen, an element halogen, such as phosphorus, silicon and sulfur.The original definition of the chemical "organic" comes from the misperception of the organic mixture that is always connected with life.Not all organic compounds support life on earth completely, but life as we know it depends on the majority of inorganic chemistry; as an example: some enzymes rely on transition metals, such as iron and copper; and compound materials such as shell / skin, teeth andBone consists of some organic materials, some of the other inorganic.Apart from the basic materials of carbon, inorganic chemistry only describes a simple carbon compounds, with molecular structures that do not contain carbon to carbon chains (such as dioxide, acids, carbonates, carbides, and minerals). This does not mean that there is no single carbon compounds (ie: methane and simple derivatives).
Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies the properties and reactions of inorganic compounds. It covers all chemical compounds except in the form of chains or rings of carbon atoms, which are called organic compounds and studied in organic chemistry. The difference between these two disciplines is not absolute and a lot of overlap, especially in organometallic chemistry subfields.
Compounds of carbon compounds organikadalah anything.Compounds anorganikadalah any compounds that are not classified as organic compounds.In the early development of chemistry as a science, apply the classification of compounds into organic compounds and inorganic compounds based on the origin of compounds. All the compounds derived from living things classified into organic compounds, while those derived from inorganic compounds is classified in the mineral. At the time it was believed that organic senya only occurs by the influence of power in living things (vital force or vis vitalist).With the success of Friedrich Wohler in making urea (organic compound) from ammonium cyanates (inorganic compounds) in 1828, then the belief in the influence of 'vital force' in the formation of compounds organnik increasingly shaky. In subsequent developments obtained a conclusion that between the organic and inorganic compounds there was no difference regarding chemical laws and regulations.Although among the organic compounds and inorganic compounds there is no intrinsic pwerbedaan as chemical compounds, but still deemed necessary pengkajiannya separated in a specific branch of chemistry.Broadly speaking, the reasons underlying the separation of fields of study organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry are:number of organic compounds much more than inorganic compounds.all organic compounds containing carbon atoms, which has a uniqueness in terms of their ability to form chains with other carbon atoms, and have distinctive properties.B. The difference between organic compounds with inorganic compoundsOrganic compounds:1. Most come from living things and some of the results of synthesis2. More flammable organic compounds3. The structure is more complicated4. All organic compounds contain the element carbon5. Only soluble in organic solvents6. CH4, C2H5OH, C2H6, etc..Inorganic Compounds:1. Derived from alammineral resources (not living)2. Not combustible3. Simple structure4. Soluble in water or organic solvents5. NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI, etc..

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