INTRODUCTIONCatfish is one type of freshwater fish that have been cultivated commercially by the people of Indonesia especially in Java.
Catfish aquaculture developed rapidly due to: 1) can be cultivated on land and water resources are limited with high stocking solid, 2) cultivation technology relatively easily controlled by the community, 3) marketing is relatively easy and 4) the venture capital required is relatively low.
The development of fish farming is increasing after the entry of African catfish species of fish to Indonesia in 1985. African catfish advantages compared to local catfish, among others, grow faster, the number of eggs more and more disease resistant. However, the rapid development of aquaculture management of the parent without the support of good causes decreased quality of African catfish. This is because of inbreeding (inbreeding), selection of one parent over the use of low-quality parent.
Quality degradation can be observed from the general character of the first ripe gonads, the degree of hatching eggs, daily growth, resistance to disease and the value of FCR (Conversation Feeding Rate). In an effort to improve the quality of African catfish fish, Freshwater Seed Development Center (BPBAT) Sukabumi have managed to genetically engineer new strain manghasilkan African catfish catfish named "Sangkuriang".
These include master production engineering through cross-back (in 2000), seed offspring from the parent test results of cross-back (in 2001), and production applications stem cross-back (years 2002-2004). The results of this perekayansaan (catfish sangkuriang) has the characteristics of reproduction and better growth compared with African catfish that is currently circulating in the community.
Cultivation sangkuriang catfish (Clarias sp) started to develop since 2004, after it was released by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, with the Ministerial Decree No. KP 26/Men/2004. Sangkuriang catfish farming techniques are no different from African catfish, from seeding to enlargement.
II. TECHNIQUE spawning catfish Sangkuriang2.1. Gonad maturationGonadal maturation of catfish in the pond soil sangkuriang done. How, to prepare the pool size of 50 m2, dried for 2-4 days and repair all parts of the pond, the water content as high as 50-70 cm and circulate continuously, enter 300 breeding size from 0.7 to 1.0 kg, give additional feed specifically African catfish pellets as much as 3% per day.
Note: male and female parent are kept separated.
2.2. Maturation in the tubGonadal maturation can also be done in the tub. How, to prepare baktembok 8m length, 4m width and height of 1m; dry for 2-4 days, the water content as high as 80-100 cm and circulate continuously, enter 100 breeding, give additional food (pellets) as much as 3 percent / day.Note: male and female parent are kept separated.
2.3.SeleksiParent selection catfish sangkuriang done by looking at the signs on the body.Parent signs a mature female gonads:- Abdominal body fat and a bit dull- Slow motion and had two holes sex- One egg one hole pee hole- Genitalia reddish and slightly swollen- Signs of mature gonads male parent:- Agile movements, body flushed and glowing- Have a genital opening elongated, reddish, somewhat swollen and white spots.
2.4. Spawning and Larval RearingSangkuriang spawning catfish can be done in three ways: natural spawning (natural spawning), semi-natural spawning (induced spawning) and artificial spawning (induced / artificial breeding). Natural spawning is done by selecting the male and female are really mature gonads then dipijahkan naturally in the tub / container spawning by administering Kakaban. Semi-natural spawning is done by stimulating the female parent by stimulating hormone injections then dipijahkan naturally. Artificial spawning is done by stimulating the female parent with a hormone injection and then dipijahkan artificially stimulating.
Natural spawning- Prepare a length of 2m tub, lebr 1m, and 0.4 m high- Dry for 2-4 days- Fill the water as high as 30 cm and let it flow during the spawning- Install hapa fine after size tub- Enter the taste fibers- Enter a breeding female was mature gonads in the afternoon or evening- Include a breeding male- Let the spawning- The next day, catching both the parent and let the eggs hatch in place.
The results of the natural spawning catfish sangkuriang usually less satisfactory. The number of eggs that came out not much.
B. Spawning Semi Natural- Comparison of male and female parent 1:1 both the number and weight- Injection step with an artificial spawning- Spawning pace equal to the natural spawning
C. Artificial spawningArtificial spawning requires special expertise. Two measures of work to be done in this system is the injection, retrieval of sperm and egg expenditure.
Injection with ovaprimInjection is an activity stimulating hormone to enter the mother's body. Stimulating hormone used is ovaprim. How, to prepare the female parent was mature gonads; suction 0.3 mi ovaprim for each kilogram of the parent; inject into the body of the parent; enter a parent that has been injected into the other bath and let stand for 10 hours.
Injection with hypofisaInjection can also extract glandular hypofisa carp or African catfish. How to prepare the female parent was mature gonads; prepare 1.5 kg 0.5 kg carp size; cut goldfish vertically just behind the gill cover; cut off the head horizontally just below the eye; discard parts of the brain; grab gland hypofisa ; put into a glass muller and destroy; enter 1 cc aquabides and stir until blended; suction hypofisa solution that; inject into the body of the female parent; enter the parent that has been injected into another tub and let stand for 10 hours.
Sperm retrievalHalf an hour before spending tleur; sperm must be prepared. Here's how:1. Capture the male parent was mature sex2. Cut vertically just behind the gill cover3. Remove the blood4. Cut out stomach skin from the anus to the back of the gills5. Dispose of other organs in the abdomen6. Take the sperm sac7. Clean the sperm sac with a tissue to dry8. Destroy the sperm sac view of how to cut part of the most9. Squeeze his sperm to come out and insert it into the cup that has been filled 50 ml (half a cup) aquabides10. Stir until homogeneous.
2.5. Expenditure EggsExpenditure eggs done after 10 hours of peyuntikkan, but nine hours earlier held pengecekkan.
Way of the eggs:1. Prepare 3 pieces of plastic basin, a bottle of sodium chloride (IV), a chicken feathers, rags and wipes2. Catch the parent with net sekup3. Parent body dry with a cloth4. Wrap the stem with a cloth and let the eggs open pit5. Hold the head by one person and grasp the tail by others6. Massage the abdomen toward the hole egg7. Capacity of the eggs in a plastic basin8. Mix a solution of sperm into the egg9. Stir until blended with chicken feathers10. Add sodium chloride and mix until blended11. Discard the liquid to the eggs clean of blood12. Telus ready hatched.
2.6. IncubationHatching catfish sangkuriang inserted into the tub wall. Here's how:1. Prepare a tub wall 2 m length, width 1 m and height 0.4 m2. Dry for 2-4 days3. Fill the tub with water as high as 30 cm and let the water flow during the hatching4. Hapa pairs fine with the same size tub5. Give hapa ballast to sink (eg a given wire stirrup hose or whatever6. Sprinkle the eggs until evenly distributed over the entire surface hapa7. Let the eggs hatch in 2-3 days.
Hatching eggs should be done at the water that flows to ensure the availability of dissolved oxygen and replacement of dirty water caused by decaying eggs are not fertilized. Increased dissolved oxygen can also be pursued with the provision of aeration.
Sangkuriang catfish eggs hatch 30-36 hours after fertilization at a temperature of 22-25 0C. Catfish newly hatched larvae have food reserves in the form of egg sacs (yolksack) which will be absorbed as a source of food for the larvae that do not need to be given feed. Hatching eggs and absorption will be faster yolksack occur at higher temperatures.Maintenance performed in larvae hatching hapa. Feeding can be started after 4-5 days old larvae or when the larvae are able to swim and black.
III. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTSangkuriang catfish aquaculture activities at the level pembenih / farmers often faced with the onset of illness or death of fish. At the hatchery activities, many of diseases caused by the presence of pathogenic organisms attack while on the activities of enlargement, the disease usually occurs due to poor handling of environmental conditions.
Failure on the activities of catfish hatchery can be caused by the organism attacks predator (pest) organisms or pathogens (disease). Predator organisms that normally attack such as insects, snakes, or eel. The attack occurred when more seeds in the nursery pond soil using manure. While the pathogen organisms are more frequently attacked is Ichthiopthirius sp, Trichodina sp, sp Dacttylogyrus, and Aeromonas hydrophyla.
Pest insects can be done by assigning a recommended insecticide at the time of filling the water before the seeds are planted. While countermeasures can be done with cleaning the eel pond and installation of pond bund around the pond.
Countermeasures pathogen organisms can be done by cultivating a good environmental management and feeding of regular and sufficient. If an attack has occurred, the seeds should be harvested to treat. Treatment can use the recommended drugs.
Environmental management can be done by making arrangements with a good pool. In aquaculture using ponds and soil, pond preparation includes drying, a reversal of land, perapihan embankment, liming, fertilizing, watering and conditioning the growth of plankton as a food source. In the culture using the tub wall or plastic tub, pond preparation includes drying, disinfection (if needed), fertilization, irrigation and conditioning the growth of plankton as a food source. Improvement of the pool water can also be done with the addition of probiotics.
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