Selasa, 10 Januari 2012


POND TECHNICAL TRAINING MODULESBy Takesu Indonesia and Beny H Siswanto in Community Technicians Shrimp
Soil EmbankmentSoil as a habitat for shrimp pond bottom. very closely related in providing optimal environmental conditions for growth and survival of shrimp. Changes in the physical, chemical and biological basis of soil will affect the ecological balance each shrimp. Input range of materials into the pond accumulates in the pond bottom. If petigelolaan cultivation is not done correctly will accelerate the decline in the carrying capacity of the environment on the productivity of ponds. The purpose of this study was to get an idea of ​​linkage relationships of chemical parameters of pond bottom soil to the production of shrimp produced.

A good farm land is not only able to hold water, but also be able to provide a variety of natural food nutrients for fish and shrimp. The ability of soil nutrients provides a variety of elements necessary for the growth of natural food, influenced by the fertility of the pond and determined also by the chemical composition of the soil. Alkaline soil more fertile and productive than in acid soils. Pond fertility is determined by the availability of nutrients contained in the water and pond bottom soil. Pond bottom soil characteristics is essential for the growth of algae base (kelekap) and plankton. Availability of nutrients such as N, P, K, Mg, trace elements and micro elements are necessary for land aquaculture. Pond land dominated by the clay minerals of kaolinite type and gibsite, have relatively low fertility.The high mineral contentseen from the types of kaolinite and gibsite will complicate the management of ponds, because the cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and adjust capacity almost no humidity, so the use of phosphate to be increased. While a lot of pond land mengandungmineral smectite clay of this type makes it possible to keep the cations such as K, NH 4, Mg, and Ca, so that the pond has a higher fertility rate. By knowing the level of pond fertility, soil management ponds are expected in this area can be done more efficiently and achieve high production rates.
Pond fertility is generally determined by the content of clay until the levels of 50 percent.Type of soil is good for aquaculture venture is a sandy loam (clay loam) sandy clay (sandy clay), clay mud (silty clay) and clay (clay). Sandy loam soil types are suitable for the growth of natural food, whereas the soil type of sand and muddy sand is very porous, so it can not retain water and nutrient poor. Productive farm that has a pH between neutral to alkaline soil. Soil with a pH 7, containing lots of salt Sodium and phosphorus, so it can support the growth of bottom algae (kelekap). Soil organic matter content was significantly related to the level of soil fertility. Nitrogen as one of the primary elements of algal needs, sourced from organic materials. The higher content of organic matter to some extent, the productivity of the pond the better. Instead of organic materials that are too high, such as food scraps in intensively managed ponds can reduce water quality and result in high consumption of dissolved oxygen in the process of renovation of organic materials.

Soil type aquaculture criteria:

Type of Land Component Compiler (%) Fertility Rate
Sand Clay Mud

Clay 50 28 22 Very fertile
Muddy clay 42 14 44 Fertile
Sandy clay loam 22 63 14 Fertility is

Sandy loam 11 79 10 Less fertile

Standards of good ground for aquaculture according to DKP is as follows:

Parameter Unit Value Standards
Texture - sandy clay clay

pH - 6.0 to 7.0

Organic materials% from 1.6 to 7.0

Carbon (C)% 3-5

Nitrogen (N)% 0.4 to 0.75

CEC me/100 gr> 20

Calcium (Ca) me/100 gr 2.0 to 5.0

Magnesium (Mg) me/100 gr 1.5 to 8.0

Potassium (K) me/100 gr 0.5 to 1.0

Sodium (Na) me/100 gr 0.7 to 1.0

Phosphorus (P) ppm 30-60

Iron (Fe)% <2

Water Pond
Shrimp aquaculture which basically creates a water environment in accordance with the natural habitat for shrimp, in the implementation can not be separated from the pond water quality management technology in accordance with the conditions and needs of shrimp itself by taking into account limiting factors such as those mentioned above In principle, the pond water management technologies should refer to how to create and maintain the balance of pond water ecosystem, so it does not cause environmental shocks that make the shrimp in a state of stress and can eventually cause problems for the shrimp.Pond waters may be analogous to a 'home' and the environment where the shrimp live and conduct its activities and interact with other organisms. Pond water quality management in accordance with the conditions and needs of shrimp means providing shelter for the shrimp, so shrimp feel 'at home' to live in it and can run with a normal life in his neighborhood. In an effort to create these conditions, before preparing a place that's convenient for the shrimp to consider the nature and behavior of shrimp to water environment in accordance with its characteristics, namely, among others;Shrimp are demersal, ie life in the bottom waters resulting in water quality management needs to consider the necessary conditions for shrimp pond bottom;Shrimp are nocturnal, ie active at night so the pond waters need to be tailored to the processes of biology, chemistry, physics and ecology that occur in it, especially at night;Shrimp are phototaksis negative, ie avoid any direct light. This property is related to the brightness of the water management ponds that may hinder the penetration of light directly;Cannibalism, ie predation conducted another shrimp on the shrimp weaker. In an effort to reduce the occurrence of cannibalism the pond waters need to be supported by adequate availability of natural food and basic conditions allows for shrimp ponds that are in weak condition for protection from predation;Moulting, namely the natural process of growth of shrimp in a way to change the skin or in response to environmental changes that are drastic. Water management pond as far as possible not cause shocks to the balance of the waters in order to avoid mass moulting, because at the time of moulting the shrimp are in a weak and highly susceptible to disease and predationRequirement level of shrimp to the water quality is relatively unchanged by age shrimp.Water quality management ponds that do not pay attention to the conditions, requirements and nature of the shrimp will cause increasing levels of 'anxiety' shrimp in ponds and are always trying to get out of that environment, although the water quality pond is in conformity with the benchmark used. In conditions like these shrimp show behavioral abnormalities than usual as an indicator of water quality discrepancies with the requirements of shrimp.Some parameters that can be used as an indicator of water quality are as follows:Brightness of the pond water;The color of pond water;The physical condition of pond water;Pond bottom conditions.The four parameters above are parameters that are practical and can be applied through visual observation of water quality management pond, so that if problems arise can be detected as early as the basis of technical considerations in decision-making culture. The parameter concerning the condition of biology, chemistry and physics pond waters were analyzed through laboratory observations to obtain more accurate results as a benchmark for comparison with the threshold parameter for the waters of shrimp aquaculture.Brightness of Water PondThe brightness of the pond water is the level of sunlight penetration in the water pond that is expressed in units of length. Common tool used to measure the brightness level of the pond water is seichi disk, namely the form of discs that were black and white and connected with a rod / rope handles that have scale lines. How to use this tool is by dipping into the water slowly until the seichi into which the disk starts invisible, then the brightness level of the water can be read on a scale that has been there. Brightness measurements of water should be carried out during the day and the weather is relatively bright.In the brightness of the water pond waters are closely related and inversely proportional to the abundance of plankton, especially phytoplankton species that are in these waters, or in other words the higher the brightness level of the water will lower the abundance of phytoplankton and conversely the lower the brightness level of the water then the abundance of phytoplankton in the waters is the higher. Management of water brightness observed from plankton abundance is aiming to adjust the needs of the shrimp that are nocturnal and negative phototaksis thus requiring a shelter (shelter) of the influence of direct sunlight.Phytoplankton are microscopic-sized plants that have a green leaf substance (chlorophyl) and always perform photosynthesis with the help of sunlight. Plankton productivity will increase with the increasing intensity of the sun into the pond waters, so the abundance of plankton will increase as well and will reduce the rate of penetration of sunlight into the waters. Based on the above description then the water is a variable brightness of the abundance of plankton and the intensity of the sun. This condition can be used as a reference in the brightness of the water management ponds in accordance with the conditions and needs as well as the nature of the shrimp.Brightness level of water needed shrimp relative change in accordance with age increment, namely:Shrimp and prawn stocking young age, the brightness level of water required is relatively high until translucent pond bottom.Shrimp grown, the level of brightness required approximately 35 cm - 40 cm or adjust the condition of shrimp.Color of Water Pond
The color of pond water is basically due to the dominance of certain types of plankton that grow and develop in the pond waters. This parameter can be used as a benchmark of water quality ponds are practically through visual observation by considering the condition and quality of shrimp in these waters with the following rationale:Phythoplankton have a certain color characteristics caused by the relative content of chlorophyl differ between species with each other.Plankton has the characteristics of certain properties in the process of activity whether it is biology, chemistry, physics and ecology are relatively different from one type to another.Phythoplankton is a leading producer in the food chains that exist in the waters of the pond, so that the relative dominance effect on the lives of other organisms.Not all types of plankton that grow in the pond waters are beneficial for shrimp or other organisms in the pond, so the dominance of a particular type will affect the comfort level of other organisms in the pond.The rationale above shows that the color of pond waters caused by the dominance of certain types of plankton can be used as a reference in making decisions about water quality pond. Factor dominance in pond plankton can occur due to the influence of seed plankton that is inserted into the pond and the applied treatment in the process of growing and managing plankton. At the beginning of the formation of seed plankton pond water that is inserted there is the possibility of dominance has occurred which further grow and develop in the pond. In other cases the seed plankton that is inserted into the pond has not happened dominance, but the treatment is applied to allow for growth and development of certain types of plankton that mendominansi pond waters.
Aspects to consider in assessing and analyzing the color of pond water in outline includes:The dominant type of plankton.Abundance of dominant plankton.The condition and quality of shrimp.The analysis of the dominant species of plankton based on the characteristics and the nature and level of problems that may arise in the waters and their effects on other organisms. Didominansi pond waters by plankton species that are beneficial and brings a comfortable and secure influence on decisions that other organisms need to be taken is how to maintain, whereas if there is dominance of plankton species that harm is a necessary replacement of the dominance of plankton by a decrease of water ponds in a large volume of seed inoculation and plankton processes that benefit from the other pond accompanied by fertilization.Abundance of dominant plankton in pond waters are closely related to the brightness level of the pond water as described in the previous discussion. Too high abundance of plankton species that harm would be very dangerous for shrimps and can cause serious problems if not immediately anticipated.Analysis of pond water color associated with the dominance of certain plankton species should lead to the condition and quality of shrimp that live in these waters. This situation may imply that despite the dominance of plankton in the waters of the pond is kind of a lucrative but if the condition and quality of shrimp subject to degradation, then there is something in the water problem is so necessary to make the identification and analysis of the cause of the problem carefully and accurately. Conversely if the pond water color observations indicate the presence of harmful plankton dominance while the condition and quality of shrimp under normal circumstances, the process of replacement of pond water should be gradual and continuously so as not to cause stress on the shrimp to dominance in pond plankton replaced with a new type and be advantageous.Criteria pond water color that can be used as a reference standard in water quality management is as below:Color dark green pond water, indicating a dominance chlorophyceae by nature more stable to environmental changes and the weather because it has a relatively long time mortality. The growth rate and relatively rapid development has the potential occurrence of plankton in the waters of the boom.Brownish color of pond water, indicating a dominance diatomae. This type of plankton is one supplier of natural feed for shrimp, so shrimp growth rate and relatively faster growth.Rate stability is relatively less plankton, especially in winter conditions with a high level of rainfall, so the potential occurrence of plankton collapse and if not carefully managed water quality stability will be volatile and will interfere with the comfort level in pond shrimp.Color brownish green pond water, indicating the dominance that occurs is a blend of chlorophyceae diatomae that are stable and are supported by the availability of natural food for shrimps.Standard color of pond water as mentioned above is a practical reference in identifying the type of plankton as an effort to detect water quality problems early. In addition to these standard colors there are several color pond water usually found in shrimp farming activities, which include:Yellowish color of pond water, indicating a dominance of phytoplankton species cyanophyceae. In conditions like these pond waters shrimp usually paler in color than is usually accompanied by a decrease in appetite shrimp and if not immediately anticipated hepatopanchreas can cause damage to the shrimp.Color pale green pond water, indicating a dominance of phytoplankton species dynophyceae relative impact equal to point (1).Greenish-blue color of pond water, indicating a dominance of blue green algae impacts are relatively similar to point (1).Camouflage green color, in these conditions as if the pond greenish but basically no / less contain plankton. This happens usually in ponds which contain seeds planktonya very less but the events of fertilization goes on, so the resulting color is the color due to the influence of the weather. This incident can be determined by measuring the brightness of the pond waters are usually very high, or by looking at the color of water present in the water wheel that is being operated.Identify the type of plankton in the pond waters practically by looking at the color of the waters as described above to be supported by observations and laboratory analysis on a regular basis to obtain more accurate results. This activity is done by taking water samples and samples of shrimp-pond mapped either problematic or not affected by the problem, so that comparison can be taken.
Physical Condition of Water PondBroadly speaking, the physical condition of the pond water is pond water situation in terms of existence and appearance of physical particles that were found in the waters.The particles are emerging as a result of processes that occur in aquatic ecosystems as well as cultivation of technical factors that indirectly affect the lives of the organisms within it. The physical condition of the pond water can also be used as a benchmark of water quality with the following rationale:Appearance of these particles can be used as a signal that there has been a process (biology, chemistry, physics) in waters that are not as they should;In large numbers and long periods can cause disruption of the physiological function of shrimp and other organisms;The size of the particles are small and there are relatively large because the due process of accumulation that occurs. Appearance of the particle can be in the water layer and emerged on the surface of the pond water. Through careful observation of the appearance will be visible even detected since the early causes of the problem. Several physical condition of pond waters are usually found among others:The water pond "dusty", the condition is to illustrate that in pond water appears very fine particles and floating because it does not dissolve or settle in the pond waters. Conditions like these can cause disturbances in the gills of shrimp and at a certain time period may result in a red gill disease. Alternative treatments can be applied to overcome this problem is to increase water circulation in terms of both frequency and volume continuously. The use of saponin at a certain dose is expected to bind the particles that exist in the pond waters.The water pond "foamy / frothy", in these conditions the surface water pond looks foamy / frothy and will be more apparent when the water wheel operated. This indicates that in these waters has occurred plankthon mass mortality that can cause the balance of aquatic ecosystems colaps, the brightness of the pond water tends to be unstable, because the dirty pond bottom sediment plankthon carcass. Technical treatment that can be used to overcome this condition is to perform a continuous circulation of water and in certain circumstances plankthon seed inoculation can be done continuously from another pond accompanied with increased doses of fertilizer use or the use of organic materials.Klekap appearance on the surface of the pond water. Klekap basically a mixture of dirt pond bottom with a dead plankthon raised to the surface water because of the oxidation process with the help of sunlight. This condition occurs because of a dirty pond bottom and the brightness of the pond water is relatively high. Klekap when it settles back in the pond bottom will occur decay and can lead to increased content of H2S, NH3 in the ponds that are harmful to shrimp. Klekap appearance on the surface of ponds can be resolved with the appointment klekap from surface ponds and pond bottom cleaning that diibangi with continuous circulation and re-establishment of water quality through regeneration plankthon ponds that have died by plankthon and pemumpukan seed inoculation with doses as needed;The growth of moss in the pond. This condition occurs because the brightness of the pond water is relatively high and long and take place in conditions accompanied by a continuous process of fertilization. Moss that grows in the pond will inhibit the activity and movement as well as the process of growing shrimp plankthon relatively more difficult.Moss would be lost if the penetration of sunlight which helps the growth of moss on the brightness plankthon hindered by a certain water.To the four conditions mentioned above are things that are often found in plot-deep pond water quality is less careful observation or a lack of proper technical treatment on the target. Pond waters with water quality and shrimp condition in accordance with the balance of ecosystems will affect the tone and quality of the physical condition of the waters will be maintained by itself and is highly dependent on the effort to maintain the condition.

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