This time I made an article neighbor innovations in the manufacture of swimming, this time maybe we are not familiar with the making of the pool using a tarp, plastic, ordinary, etc. The former spaduk MMT. But in my experience it all in place when the heat can not last long probably could only last 1-2 years (the problem I am swimming in the middle of summer paddy). But if you use a plastic UV can be durable up to 5 years on the PNAS areas such as swimming pool disawah apalgi kalu mumgkin shady place who will be more shelf age. One day I came to the farm shop would like to buy papaya seed I see there are people who buy plastic, I try to hold really thick and tenacious. Jump kepikiran: "Good really swimming if contrived ..." then I ask each purchaser: "Plastics pack like this for what? ". The man replied: "Create a greenhouse for crops," plastic name really different from what Mr. plastik2 who usually? "Ask me out of curiosity. Explaining the father: "Ow obvious difference is the name of plastic UV (Ultraviolet) aim to create a greenhouse that contains Ultraviolet sunlight held together plastic Because if not arrested could damage the seedlings palawija.Wah good times that make swimming in hot regions, Finally I tried buy 10m (length: 10m and width: 3m) at a price per 1x3 m: Rp 25.000, -Until immediately wrote home asking for help my father to petrify buatin pool, Preparation of raw materials and alat2nya Buy bamboo rods 10 @ Rp 7000, -, crackle marks, nails etc.Here I also want to share a neighbor how Cleavage Bamboo and pool water disposal system. If the first split bamboo like to make a fence, how it is sturdy and durable. For that split as a way to make galar (in the Java language divan) has proved more robust and more durable awet.supaya diolesin used oil so as not to be eaten the same rodent kayua (tor2)If the disposal problem I had just punched above, but must use a pump for draining water, trus holed below the weakness we are hard to control water (for spawning needed flexibility in setting the volume of water) karen that we innovate using pralon and knee (connection L) to get around the drain without the use of water pumps and the water volume setting is easy and practical. more details may be see in the picture ... I do not memjelaskan in detail from the beginning of the end ampe making sure that it is common practice all can not have special knowledge so yg cm point here is the selection of UV plastic sheeting as a replacement and disposal system using 2 yg flexible knee Just attach the picture and I believe the picture will be easily understood than using kata2.MAKING A NEW INNOVATION USING PLASTIC POND UVThis time I made an article neighbor innovations in the manufacture of swimming, this time maybe we are not familiar with the making of the pool using a tarp, plastic, ordinary, etc. The former spaduk MMT. But in my experience it all in place when the heat can not last long probably could only last 1-2 years (the problem I am swimming in the middle of summer paddy). One day I came to the farm shop would like to buy papaya seed I see there are people who buy plastic, I try to hold really thick and tenacious. Jump kepikiran: "Good really swimming if contrived ..." then I ask each purchaser: "Plastics pack like this for what? ". The man replied: "Create a greenhouse for crops," plastic name really different from what Mr. plastik2 who usually? "Ask me out of curiosity. Explaining the father: "Ow obvious difference is the name of plastic UV (Ultraviolet) aim to create a greenhouse that contains Ultraviolet sunlight held together plastic Because if not arrested could damage the seedlings palawija.Wah good times that make swimming in hot regions, Finally I tried buy 10m (length: 10m and width: 3m) at a price per 1x3 m: Rp 25.000, -Until immediately wrote home asking for help my father to petrify buatin pool, Preparation of raw materials and alat2nya Buy bamboo rods 10 @ Rp 7000, -, crackle marks, nails etc.Here I also want to share a neighbor how Cleavage Bamboo and pool water disposal system. If the first split bamboo like to make a fence, how it is sturdy and durable. For that split as a way to make galar (in the Java language divan) has proved more robust and more durable awet.supaya diolesin used oil so as not to be eaten the same rodent kayua (tor2)If the disposal problem I had just punched above, but must use a pump for draining water, trus holed below the weakness we are hard to control water (for spawning needed flexibility in setting the volume of water) karen that we innovate using pralon and knee (connection L) to get around the drain without the use of water pumps and the water volume setting is easy and practical. more details may be see in the picture ... I do not memjelaskan in detail from the beginning of the end ampe making sure that it is common practice all can not have special knowledge so yg cm point here is the selection of UV plastic sheeting as a replacement and disposal system using 2 yg flexible knee Just attach the picture and I believe the picture will be easily understood than using kata2.
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