• Fish farming is an activity to nurture, raising, and / or breed fish and harvest results in a controlled environment, including activities that use the vessel for loading, transporting, storing, cooling, handling, processing, and / or preserve it. (Act no. 45 th. 2009 on Fisheries)• Fish farming is an activity to nurture, raising, and / or breed fish and harvest results in a controlled environment, including activities that use the vessel for loading, transporting, storing, cooling, handling, processing, and / or preserve it. (No. CHEWING. PER.12/MEN/2007 About LICENSING BUSINESS fish breeding)
DEFINITIONS Aquaculture• Aquaculture or also known as fish farming is a form of maintenance and breeding of various kinds of aquatic animals or plants that use water as a main component.• The activities are generally included in it is fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming, seaweed cultivation fibers (algae). With the above limitations, the actual scope of aquaculture is very broad but limit the technological mastery of certain commodities that can be applied.• Aquaculture is a form of aquaculture waters, to be contrasted with capture fisheries. In Indonesia, aquaculture is done through various means.• The most common farming activities carried out at the pool / pond, ponds, tanks, Karamba, as well as floating Karamba.• Domestication: activity of making cultured fish with wild fish market prospects and strong environmental issues• Euryhaline: species that can tolerate a wide salinity range
DEFINITION Aquaculture1. Derived from English: Aqua Culture• Aqua: Water,• Culture: Cultivation
2. Aquaculture: the effort to produce biota (organisms) controlled aquatic environment in order to gain profit (profit).
3. The definition of culture is the maintenance activities to:a. Reproduce (reproduction)b. Growing (growth)c. Improving the quality of the aquatic biota so as to obtain benefits
PURPOSE OF FARMING• Increase the number of food• Offsetting the decline in natural fish stocks• Sufficient need for animal protein• Increase other products, such as: pearl, seaweed, etc.
Requirements of cultured fish species• Resistant to a new environment• The rate of growth is quite high• Able to breed daalam state caught• Able to adjust to the artificial food given• Can be cultivated with high density• Resistant to disease and parasites• Meets consumer tastes
The types of fish are cultivated1. Freshwater Fish• Catfish (Clarias batracus)• carp (Osphyronemus gouramy)• Oreochromis mossambicus (Tilapia mossambica)• Tilapia (Tilapia nilotica)• Tawes (Puntius javanicus)• Patin (Pangasius pangasius)
2. Brackish water fish• milkfish (Chanos Chanos)• black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
3. Sea Water Fish• Tiger Grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)• skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis)• Lobster
Scope of Aquaculture1. Activity• Procurement Subsystem production Sarpras• Subsystem Production Process• Postharvest Handling Subsystem & Marketing• Support Subsystem
2. Spatial• Mountains• Hills• Uplands• Lowland• Coastal, estuarine river• Coral reefs, shallow marine• Sea off
3. Sources of Water• Fresh Water (fresh-water culture)• brackish water (Brackish-water culture)• Sea Water (marine culture)
4. Zoning Land-sea• Inland aquaculture• Marine aquaculture (marine culture)
Position the container production• Land-base aquaculture• Water-base aquaculture
A. Aquaculture SCOPE OF LAND-SEA BASED ON ZONING• Inland aquaculture: aquaculture activities are carried out on land (land base) with the use of water resources in the form of fresh water (springs, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, irrigation, rain water, well water, and other standing water) or brackish water.• Marine aquaculture (mariculture): aquaculture activities carried out at sea.
B. SCOPE OF POSITION BASED IN CONTAINER PRODUCTION Aquaculture• Land-base aquaculture: land-based aquaculture activities, where the unit is located on land cultivation and fetching water from nearby waters.- Example: calm pond water, rain water ponds, rice paddies, and ponds.- There is a barrier between the units of cultivation with the waters as a source of water, at least by the dike aquaculture so that land base is a closed system (closed system).- External environmental factors affecting the production system, such as pollution, can be reduced by closing the flow of water into the system or to the water treatment before use.• Water-base aquaculture: marine-based aquaculture activities, where the unit is placed in the cultivation of water bodies (rivers, irrigation canals, lakes, reservoirs, and marine)- Example: floating nets, floating rafts, nets step, Karamba, etc..- Interaction between fish (units) cultivation with an aquatic environment takes place almost without restriction so that an open system (open system)- More easily affected by pollution or as a source of environmental pollution.
1. Infrastructure:• Selection of location• Procurement of materials• Construction of the facility
2. Facilities:• Procurement of stem, seed, feed, fertilizer, medicines, equipment, labor, etc.
3. Production Process• Preparation of culture vessel• Spreading• Provision of feed• Management Lingk.• Management of fish health• Monitoring of fish• Harvesting
4. Post-harvest Handling & Marketing• Improved product quality• Distribution of products• Consumer Services
5. Support• Legal aspects• Financial aspects• Institutional Aspects
PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Aquaculture1. Fitness Management2. Seed Management3. Feed Management (Provision)4. Water Quality Management5. Fish Health Management6. Harvest Management
Examples of aquaculture production activities1. Preparation of Containers:a. Dryingb. Improvementc. Fertilizationd. Charging water2. Water management3. Spreading the seed4. Feeding5. Eradication of pests and diseases6. Monitoring of growth7. Harvesting
• Fish farming is an activity to nurture, raising, and / or breed fish and harvest results in a controlled environment, including activities that use the vessel for loading, transporting, storing, cooling, handling, processing, and / or preserve it. (Act no. 45 th. 2009 on Fisheries)• Fish farming is an activity to nurture, raising, and / or breed fish and harvest results in a controlled environment, including activities that use the vessel for loading, transporting, storing, cooling, handling, processing, and / or preserve it. (No. CHEWING. PER.12/MEN/2007 About LICENSING BUSINESS fish breeding)
DEFINITIONS Aquaculture• Aquaculture or also known as fish farming is a form of maintenance and breeding of various kinds of aquatic animals or plants that use water as a main component.• The activities are generally included in it is fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming, seaweed cultivation fibers (algae). With the above limitations, the actual scope of aquaculture is very broad but limit the technological mastery of certain commodities that can be applied.• Aquaculture is a form of aquaculture waters, to be contrasted with capture fisheries. In Indonesia, aquaculture is done through various means.• The most common farming activities carried out at the pool / pond, ponds, tanks, Karamba, as well as floating Karamba.• Domestication: activity of making cultured fish with wild fish market prospects and strong environmental issues• Euryhaline: species that can tolerate a wide salinity range
DEFINITION Aquaculture1. Derived from English: Aqua Culture• Aqua: Water,• Culture: Cultivation
2. Aquaculture: the effort to produce biota (organisms) controlled aquatic environment in order to gain profit (profit).
3. The definition of culture is the maintenance activities to:a. Reproduce (reproduction)b. Growing (growth)c. Improving the quality of the aquatic biota so as to obtain benefits
PURPOSE OF FARMING• Increase the number of food• Offsetting the decline in natural fish stocks• Sufficient need for animal protein• Increase other products, such as: pearl, seaweed, etc.
Requirements of cultured fish species• Resistant to a new environment• The rate of growth is quite high• Able to breed daalam state caught• Able to adjust to the artificial food given• Can be cultivated with high density• Resistant to disease and parasites• Meets consumer tastes
The types of fish are cultivated1. Freshwater Fish• Catfish (Clarias batracus)• carp (Osphyronemus gouramy)• Oreochromis mossambicus (Tilapia mossambica)• Tilapia (Tilapia nilotica)• Tawes (Puntius javanicus)• Patin (Pangasius pangasius)
2. Brackish water fish• milkfish (Chanos Chanos)• black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
3. Sea Water Fish• Tiger Grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)• skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis)• Lobster
Scope of Aquaculture1. Activity• Procurement Subsystem production Sarpras• Subsystem Production Process• Postharvest Handling Subsystem & Marketing• Support Subsystem
2. Spatial• Mountains• Hills• Uplands• Lowland• Coastal, estuarine river• Coral reefs, shallow marine• Sea off
3. Sources of Water• Fresh Water (fresh-water culture)• brackish water (Brackish-water culture)• Sea Water (marine culture)
4. Zoning Land-sea• Inland aquaculture• Marine aquaculture (marine culture)
Position the container production• Land-base aquaculture• Water-base aquaculture
A. Aquaculture SCOPE OF LAND-SEA BASED ON ZONING• Inland aquaculture: aquaculture activities are carried out on land (land base) with the use of water resources in the form of fresh water (springs, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, irrigation, rain water, well water, and other standing water) or brackish water.• Marine aquaculture (mariculture): aquaculture activities carried out at sea.
B. SCOPE OF POSITION BASED IN CONTAINER PRODUCTION Aquaculture• Land-base aquaculture: land-based aquaculture activities, where the unit is located on land cultivation and fetching water from nearby waters.- Example: calm pond water, rain water ponds, rice paddies, and ponds.- There is a barrier between the units of cultivation with the waters as a source of water, at least by the dike aquaculture so that land base is a closed system (closed system).- External environmental factors affecting the production system, such as pollution, can be reduced by closing the flow of water into the system or to the water treatment before use.• Water-base aquaculture: marine-based aquaculture activities, where the unit is placed in the cultivation of water bodies (rivers, irrigation canals, lakes, reservoirs, and marine)- Example: floating nets, floating rafts, nets step, Karamba, etc..- Interaction between fish (units) cultivation with an aquatic environment takes place almost without restriction so that an open system (open system)- More easily affected by pollution or as a source of environmental pollution.
1. Infrastructure:• Selection of location• Procurement of materials• Construction of the facility
2. Facilities:• Procurement of stem, seed, feed, fertilizer, medicines, equipment, labor, etc.
3. Production Process• Preparation of culture vessel• Spreading• Provision of feed• Management Lingk.• Management of fish health• Monitoring of fish• Harvesting
4. Post-harvest Handling & Marketing• Improved product quality• Distribution of products• Consumer Services
5. Support• Legal aspects• Financial aspects• Institutional Aspects
PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Aquaculture1. Fitness Management2. Seed Management3. Feed Management (Provision)4. Water Quality Management5. Fish Health Management6. Harvest Management
Examples of aquaculture production activities1. Preparation of Containers:a. Dryingb. Improvementc. Fertilizationd. Charging water2. Water management3. Spreading the seed4. Feeding5. Eradication of pests and diseases6. Monitoring of growth7. Harvesting
1 komentar:
Big-headed fish is one of a freshwater fish species. This fish is very popular in the countries of East Asia and it is found maximum in the rivers and lakes of the countries of East Asia. Big-headed carp fish are reared more in China, Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh and Malaysia. Big-headed fish are reared in waters with temperatures between 5 C to 37 C. Big-headed carp fish live on the top surface of the water and also take their food from the top surface. Big-headed carp like to eat natural farming, fish farming in india rohu fish farming, fresh water farming
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